IoT solutions for rental companies

Managing rental equipment can be quite a challenge. Machines can be delivered wrongly, important maintenance can be lost sight of, operating hours still need to be recorded manually, etc. And then of course there is all the paperwork and frequent communication to keep everything on track. The use of smart sensors and wireless networks can save time, increase productivity and extend the life of your rental equipment. Because the applications for the rental industry are so vast, here are some case studies from other industries to introduce you to the tags.

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Concrete slide
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Wheel loader
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Paint sprayer
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Drill bit
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Container for hire
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"Many companies only look at the bottom price when they want to rent equipment. But they forget that there are many hidden costs and unknown variables in large projects. Our solutions help customers make an informed decision as they get a better understanding of all costs. This allows them to work better, more productively and more safely."
David De Wilde - sales All-Connects
Read the success story of some colleagues in the Rental sector here.
IoT solutions for rental companies

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IoT solutions for rental companies

Ready to learn more about the possible applications for your business?

Would you like to discover together with our experts how you can monitor and manage your company's equipment at any time? Request a demo now to discover all the features.

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