We are family

The story of All-Connects is one of common sense and good entrepreneurship. A strong vision of founder Jean Minne and an assured succession by his three sons have ensured that today there are three healthy companies housed in the modern new building in Kontich: Trapmann Car Adaptations, Trapmann Air Suspension and All-Connects.

Philippe Minne

Managing Director Philippe Minne: "We are a relatively small team with an enormous amount of knowledge and expertise. This makes it possible to work out more difficult total projects and technically innovative solutions for our customers. We work closely with our experienced suppliers for this.

We are your business partner

All-Connects is a business partner: our success story is your success story. As a family business with strong roots in Flanders, we consciously choose long-term relationships, rather than short-term profits without a future. We believe in transparent cooperation and share our expertise for the benefit of all partners.

We grow together

We install the solutions your business needs, no more and no less. We provide support when and where needed. We look ahead with you to accompany the growth of your business with the required expansions. We keep you abreast of the latest innovative technologies that will help you grow. We anticipate what is needed for your business to remain competitive.

What can you expect from us?


In a personal brainstorm with you and your team, we get to know your company better. We ask the necessary questions to be able to assess what you do and do not need. We listen to your specialists who experience the various challenges on the work floor every day. Together, we go over the required functionalities and desired integration with existing software and give you specific advice.

You already have a clear vision and know which solution is right for you? Then we can work at your desired speed: you receive a detailed quotation and after ordering our team can get to work in no time to implement your project.


One of our strengths: All-Connects always strives for quality. Quality in development, the correct translation of your briefing and delivery on time and within budget. Good preparation is half the work and that is also our working method.


Your project is steered in the right direction thanks to an integrated approach in which a dedicated - largely self-managing - team takes over the implementation together and carries it out according to the predefined specifications. Thanks to this working method, we always bring large and small questions to a successful conclusion. All developed units are tested one by one, both before delivery and after installation.


All-Connects has specialised technicians in its team who install and test the solutions in the right way. The installation can take place at your company, at another location or at All-Connects itself. Thanks to years of experience, our team can work very accurately and quickly, so that we can keep the installation time to a minimum. We know how important time is and work with you to plan the most time-efficient installation.


We speak the language of the customer and the developer. Because we have a technical background ourselves, we can quickly ask the right questions to help you as quickly as possible. If necessary or requested, we organise a practical user workshop after the installation of the All-Connects systems. This approach saves both you and us a lot of valuable time. Time that we are happy to spend in further guaranteeing a qualitative, personal service.

Customers give their opinion

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It is important to have confidence in your supplier. Want to know if we are a good match for your business? Contact us and we will be happy to come and talk to you about what you need.

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Curious about the CHECK.connects
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