
For those who want to actively locate rented trailers, the TAG.GPS is the answer. It is completely watertight, and therefore an ideal match for assets that are mainly used outdoors. In combination with the TAG.QR-GPS, there are more configuration possibilities and customers have access to the necessary documents and manuals. See in this case how this solution works in practice.

Tags used:
Secure your unguarded trailers

The customer.

Iemants is a steel construction company and is part of the Eiffage group, together with 5 other facilities - of which 2 in Belgium and 3 abroad. They mainly produce, deliver and assemble heavy, technically complex steel constructions.

Their challenge.

The Iemants team is always active on several sites and product locations at the same time. Material is spread over all these locations, and welding post frames, lighting poles, telehandlers and forklift trucks sometimes move from one site to another. At the locations, a trailer is often used as temporary storage for the smaller material. Unfortunately, the reflex was not always made to document when materials or trailers were moved from one location to another, so that after a while things simply disappeared without trace.

"We often didn't know where a lot of equipment was at the time," explains ICT Hardware & Infrastructure Manager Ton van der Hagen. "Devices sometimes simply got lost. As a result, we lost a lot of valuable time trying to track them down and also had to hire temporary equipment."

A lot of time was lost tracing the missing equipment and a solution had to be found so that the outstanding orders could be completed within the agreed period. The solution was often found in renting replacement equipment.

Our solution.

In order to put an end to these additional costs and lost working hours, Iemants went in search of a solution that met their requirements. One of these requirements was that the solution should run via the Sigfox network. In order to put an end to the large amount of lost materials, they wanted to be able to see exactly where which trailers were located and where certain forklift trucks and other larger materials were located.

"We wanted to be able to see where trailers were at any given time, where forklifts were located and where the telescopic handlers and welding stations were located."

With these things in mind, the TAG.GPS proved to be the best option for Iemants. Why? The trailers are currently only used as temporary storage, so it is sufficient to receive a position only once a day. It is often difficult to connect a tracker to a power supply. The TAG.GPS has an internal battery (lifespan of 3 years at 2 positions per day), so there was no need to worry about power supply to the tracker.

In practice.

An external company was hired to tag all materials and trailers and then add them to the platform using the unique tag IDs. These, in turn, were linked to a description that was clear to everyone.

"The simplicity and user-friendliness of the platform made it very easy to do a rollout in our business. ”

According to Ton, the platform is so easy to use that new users do not even need training to learn how to use it. In the beginning, there were still quite a few phone calls to the transport department to ask where a certain trailer was located, but now more and more people are asking to have access to the platform themselves. In consultation with the person in charge, these people are given access to the platform and can therefore follow it all up themselves.

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Manage your material on sites digitally

The customer.

DEGRAEUWE RENTING ensures that technology receives the necessary care, because reliability is essential for profitability.

Since 2012, they have specialised in the maintenance and repair of all cars, vans, trailers and various industrial equipment such as forklifts, compressors, power generators, excavators, etc. Thanks to the rental of young reliable mobile compressors, power generators and mini-excavators, we guarantee the continuity of each project. In order to shorten the time span of the maintenance or repair, the technicians come on site with a well-equipped intervention vehicle.  

Their challenge.

DEGRAEUWE often has their rental properties scattered across a range of customer locations. It therefore takes some effort and time to quickly find out the exact location of a specific item. In addition, delivering the correct documents and user manuals to customers is often a time-consuming task. Therefore, they were looking for a solution to both find out the location of their trailers and an efficient way to give customers access to online manuals and documents.

Our solution.

Given the working conditions and the products to which these assets are exposed, it was important that the proposed solution was also waterproof and resistant to chemical products. With a waterproof housing and internal battery, the TAG.WIFI-GPS is the most suitable solution, which best meets our customer's needs.

In practice.

Each paint-spraying machine was equipped with a TAG.VILOC. This tag was installed in a place that does not interfere with the use of the machine. When it is time for major maintenance or when certain parts need to be replaced, the tag immediately sends a notification to the platform. The rental company is always notified, so it can respond quickly and the rented equipment is always in tip-top shape. Does the TAG.VILOC need a lick of paint? The sturdy, waterproof housing is resistant to chemicals such as paint and will continue to function perfectly.

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Digitise your maintenance documents

Consult manuals and documents in no time with theTAG.QR-NFC.

The customer.

Degraeuwe Renting ensures that technology receives the necessary care, because reliability is essential for profitability.

Since 2012, they have specialised in the maintenance and repair of all cars, vans, trailers and various industrial equipment such as forklifts, compressors, power generators, excavators, etc. Thanks to the rental of young reliable mobile compressors, power generators and mini-excavators, we guarantee the continuity of each project. In order to shorten the time span of the maintenance or repair, the technicians come on site with a well-equipped intervention vehicle.  

Their challenge.

DEGRAEUWE often has their rental properties scattered across a range of customer locations. It therefore takes some effort and time to quickly find out the exact location of a specific item. In addition, delivering the correct documents and user manuals to customers is often a time-consuming task. Therefore, they were looking for a solution to both find out the location of their trailers and an efficient way to give customers access to online manuals and documents.

Our solution.

Since trailers are mainly used outside, it was important that the proposed solution was also waterproof. With a waterproof housing and internal battery, the TAG.GPS is the most suitable solution, which best meets our customer's needs. Customers always have access to the necessary documents and manuals with the linked TAG.QR-NFC placed on each individual trailer.

In practice.

On each trailer a combination of both a TAG.GPS and a TAG.QR-NFC was placed. With one simple click on the CHECK platform or via the mobile app, the person in charge can access a map with the location of each individual trailer indicated on it. The platform also gives the manager access to upcoming reservations and the return dates of rented assets. Customers can scan the TAG.QR-NFC with the app on their smartphone. This gives them direct access to the necessary manuals and documents.  

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