Electric pallet

Do you want to be able to easily locate and track materials, equipment or assemblies within your premises, yard or warehouse? Then the TAG.BLE (bluetooth) is the best option. The tag is ultra-small and can be easily attached. Location is determined automatically via signal recognition by gateways and smartphones within range; no manual operation or scanning is required. An integrated QR code offers the possibility to add all kinds of actions. In this use case, the TAG.BLE is used for tools in an automotive workshop.

Tags used:
IoT planning reduces fines & costs

Define locations at desired times with the notification frequency. This gives you an automatic overview of your tools both internally and externally.

The customer.

Trapmann specialises in adapting vehicles for people with mobile disabilities. By constantly innovating and investing in new technologies, Trapmann offers solutions to ensure that everyone with a mobile disability, wheelchair users and senior citizens can regain their mobile freedom.

Their challenge.

In the past, many problems were encountered because an asset had not been inspected or had not been inspected on time. There was also a breakdown of an asset because the maintenance schedule was not followed, which resulted in major costs. Inefficient work due to frequent searching of the electric forklift truck since they have 2 warehouses, they were looking for a way to send the location automatically.

Our solution.

In order to be able to track the location of parts and machines as accurately as possible, we combined a TAG.BLE with gateways throughout the entire warehouse.

In practice.

The large assembly pieces were equipped with a TAG.BLE. We linked each tag on the platform with the right asset. By scanning the QR code on the TAG.BLE, you can use the platform or the mobile application to follow the pieces or see where they are stored. Employees no longer lose time searching through all the warehouses and the rest of the company.

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