
This solution is primarily aimed at companies that are active in the rental of site huts, or companies that own site huts. Thanks to a TAG.QR-NFC, easy, fast and efficient communication is possible about the location of the yard hut, reservation planning, possible defects or damage.

Tags used:
Smart site planning chain

The challenge.

For companies that use - or rent - several site chalets simultaneously, the exact location of such a site chalets is often not known. If problems arise while using the cabins, they often do not know who to contact or photos of the problem are sent without adding any identification of the cabins in question. This makes the search for the right site hut very difficult. Even if the work on the site ends prematurely, this is not reported immediately. As a result, a site hut tends to remain standing longer than necessary, which is very inefficient as this forgotten hut cannot then be used optimally.

Our solution.

Here we opted for a TAG.QR-NFC. By scanning the very compact tag, any employee present on the site can report the location of the site hut. Depending on the customer's wishes, this location report can also be set up automatically so that a manual scan is not necessary. In this way, the administrative paperwork can be handled very efficiently and all chains can be deployed optimally.

In practice.

Users of the site hut scan the TAG.QR-NFC, and in this way pass on the current location of the site hut. In the same way, they also gain access to the self-created checklists that are used when renting out the chain. If a site hut shows a particular defect, this can be reported, possibly with attached photos to clarify the defect. When renting, customers are given access to the platform for their rented yard chain.  

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