Wheel loader

If you want to actively locate and monitor assets such as wheel loaders, TAG.GPS is the answer. It's an ideal solution for knowing where your equipment is, and what its operational status is. You can receive the hours of operation automatically, set maintenance alerts, add actions ... In comparison with other tags, the TAG.GPS in combination with the QR/NFC tag offers more configuration possibilities. Read below and in the case about the concrete sledge how it works in practice.

Tags used:
Manage your machine fleet with 1 software

Consult the data of your machine on 1 single platform.

The customer.

For this solution, we use a company active in earthworks as an illustration. Here, wheel loaders are used daily to move large quantities of sand during the work. Also companies active in road works, concrete works, concrete plants and granulate trade use such wheel loaders on a daily basis.

The challenge.

Because these types of companies often have a very diverse range of machines that are used on a daily basis, the details of these machines often need to be consulted on different platforms. This can range from location determination to the operating hours of the rolling stock. Constantly having to switch between multiple platforms is very confusing and involves a huge amount of work.

Our solution.

The aim in this situation was to reduce the number of actively used platforms to a single platform, where the data can be clearly consulted for each machine. We linked a separate TAG.GPS to each machine. This collects all data - such as location and running hours - on one platform. To ensure that you can work as efficiently as possible, the settings can be adjusted completely according to preference. In this way, no unnecessary time is lost in optimising and monitoring the machine park.

In practice.

We installed the TAG.GPS on the power supply of the wheel loader. This way the unit gets a constant power supply when the ignition of the wheel loader is on. So there is no need to worry about a flat battery. Via the mobile app that is linked to the units, various operations can be carried out for each individual vehicle, such as scheduling maintenance and adding any documents.

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