Crane parts

A safe working environment is only achieved when the condition and safety of the machines with which your personnel work is guaranteed. Sooner or later, unapproved or obsolete equipment presents a risk that can best be avoided by preventive replacement of the necessary parts. If you find yourself in such a situation, the TAG.BLE is your right hand to keep track of your stock of replacement parts. The TAG.QR-NFC helps you reserve and order these replacement parts internally.

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Automate your maintenance planning

The challenge.

One of the most essential components to ease heavy work is the presence of a crane. In order to comply with safety standards, crucial parts of the crane must be inspected and replaced regularly. In this case, the customer was looking for a way to make the stock of spare parts visible to everyone, and also to make it possible for any employee to reserve or order such a spare part.

Our solution.

In order to keep a good overview of the spare parts still in stock and to make it possible for the people concerned to reserve or order these items, a combination of the TAG.BLE and the TAG.QR-NFC was chosen. The TAG.BLE provides a clear indication of where the spare parts are and whether they are on their way to a location. With the TAG.QR-NFC, reports can easily be made.

In practice.

The expensive spare parts were equipped with both a TAG.BLE and a TAG.QR-NFC. The cheaper spare parts were only equipped with a tag with QR. By equipping the various warehouses with Gateways, and thanks to the mobile app, the current location of all assets is always updated. So everyone is always aware of the most recent asset location. By scanning the TAG.QR-NFC with a smartphone, the necessary tasks and inspections can be carried out smoothly and the necessary notifications can be made.

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