
When you talk to business leaders who transport containers worldwide for their customers, one key word quickly comes up: trust. The trust that customers place in your company to deliver, the trust that they place in your international business partners to keep promises made, the trust that your logistics organisation is capable of fulfilling all obligations, no matter what. And that is not surprising, because the fact that you as a company cannot have full control over what happens during international transport (which usually takes some time) can be very stressful for both the carrier and the customer. An end-to-end visibility solution can provide peace of mind here.

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End-to-end tracking sea containers

The customer.

The Lambrechts Group in Puurs, which is active in the brewing industry and employs some 45 people, produces fully robotised lines that wash, sterilise and fill beer kegs. The smallest machines can handle about 10 kegs per hour, while the larger installations can process up to 1,200 kegs per hour. LAMBRECHTS is responsible for 80% market share in Belgium and exports to Singapore and Ethiopia. "We do customisation, 'make to order'," says managing partner Filp Beyens. "Something changes on every new drum line, from steering to interface. Innovation is the standard here."

Their challenge.

LAMBRECHTS ships its high-tech robot lines by container to customers overseas. They were looking for a way to follow the valuable containers as accurately as possible from the moment they are shipped in Belgium until they are delivered to the customer. Their current track and trace systems are inadequate because there is no continuous tracking throughout the transport chain; it is limited to a few key locations. It proved a real challenge to provide accurate information. Moreover, these were disposable trackers, attached to the outside of the containers, and could only be used once. Moreover, these trackers could be removed en route - precisely because they were visibly attached to the outside. Lambrechts was looking for a more sustainable solution with reusable sensors and that is how they came to us. After listening to their story, we suggested the TAG.WIFIWORLD.

Our solution.

By using the TAG.WIFIWORLD (with a worldwide coverage of 98%), LAMBRECHTS can now follow all containers from start to finish. The TAG-WIFIWORLD is simply packed into an envelope and this crate is placed in a sea container. Once activated on the online platform via the mobile app or desktop PC, both Lambrechts and the customer can follow the shipment and receive immediate notification if a container is opened, delayed or misdirected. Once the containers with robot lines have reached their final destination, the customer returns the tracker(s) to Lambrechts via the standard envelope provided.

In practice.

From day one, CHECK has been able to help provide complete visibility throughout the transport process - across countries, carriers and means of transport. The data from the live TAG-WIFIWORLD trackers helps our customer provide answers about the location of shipments in record time. Furthermore, it has led to a higher quality of service as the customer does not have to call anymore but can track his shipment himself on the platform.

View the result directly on the WiFiWorld platform here. This way you can immediately see how easy and efficient the TAG.WIFIWORLD works.

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We even track metal containers

The customer.

This customer is a freight forwarder in the port of Helsinki, Finland, specialising in cargo consolidation and LCL transports. They provide groupage transport, international forwarding, terminal handling, and warehousing.

Their challenge.

The customers of this container carrier expect a high level of information on the reliability of their shipments. Current track and trace systems are inadequate because there is no continuous tracking through the transport chain; it is limited to a few key locations. Providing accurate information was a real challenge.

This lack of overview caused inefficiencies and costs. This was especially the case when something went wrong with one of the shipping partners along the way. Therefore, the company wanted a simple solution that would give them a clear and transparent overview of the entire supply chain across multiple countries, logistics partners & means of transport.

Our solution.

By using TAG.WIFIWORLD (with 98 per cent global coverage), the carrier can now track all valuable shipments such as pharmaceuticals or consumer electronics that travel from China to Europe and across Russia from start to finish.

At the moment their customers hand over the goods, the TAG-WIFIWORLD is simply added to each pallet or container. Once activated on the online platform via the mobile app or desktop PC, both the carrier and the customer can track the shipment and receive immediate notification if a container is opened, delayed or misdirected. Once the goods have reached their final destination, the consignee sends the tracker(s) back to the carrier via a standard envelope provided.

In practice.

From day one, CHECK has been able to help provide complete visibility of the entire supply chain across countries, suppliers and transportation modes. The data from the live TAG-WIFIWORLD trackers helps our customer provide answers about the location of shipments in record time. It has also resulted in lower costs and higher quality of service.

In addition, collected data enables the company to evaluate its partners based on objective, independent information and this analysis can serve as a basis for joint operational improvements. By systematically implementing the TAG.WIFIWORLD in daily transports, our customer has been able to reduce the processing time for customer enquiries by 50% and the customer retention rate has increased by 20%. This has led to increased trust between the carrier and its customer base.

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