Track running hours digitally

The challenge.

The most difficult part of working with large installations is the calculation of running hours. It was a time-consuming task to collect all the hours of operation correctly and on time, and it proved to be a challenge to invoice them correctly. This was also the challenge for this customer, a transparent communication of the operating hours in order to make the invoicing significantly easier.  

Our solution.

In this case, the combination of the TAG.GPS and the TAG.QR-NFC was in line with our customer's wishes and needs. One tag takes care of a correct communication of both the running hours and the location to the digital platform. The other tag can be read with a smartphone and gives access to an overview of the tasks and maintenance to be performed.

In practice.

Each reacher was equipped with a set of tags. On the basis of the information collected, the relevant data per customer per day can be consulted on the CHECK platform, after which correct invoicing is child's play. With one click, the person in charge has access to an overview of the operating hours and the locations where the reachers are located. Using a smartphone, one scans the TAG.QR-NFC, which gives access to a list of tasks still to be carried out and maintained. If one wishes to locate a specific reacher, one only has to look it up in the mobile app. With a simple click, navigation via Google Maps or Waze starts to the reacher in question.

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