Know who uses your material where

Map your machine easily with the QR/NFC tag.

The customer.

In this use case, we mainly focus on large cleaning companies and companies that have their own cleaning machines.

Their challenge.

Cleaning companies use several cleaning machines, which they deploy simultaneously at customers' premises. As a result, they are not always aware of the exact location of the machines, as they are sometimes used at two or more locations in one day. The annual maintenance of these machines is therefore difficult to keep track of, which can lead to unexpected costs.

Our solution.

By installing a TAG.WIFI-GPS, we were able to map the location of all cleaning machines. The history on the platform ensures that maintenance activities can be planned smoothly. We made the combination with a QR/NFC tag with which employees can directly report defects or damage. The person responsible immediately receives a message when a new report is created.

In practice.

We equipped each individual cleaning machine with both a TAG.WIFI-GPS and a TAG.QR-NFC. Thanks to the combination of WIFI and GPS, the TAG.WIFI-GPS always gives an accurate location. So the position of each machine is always known and can be consulted via the platform. The platform also gives you access to the history of the maintenance, and after each maintenance you can set a reminder for the next one. You scan the QR-NFC code via the application - people who do not have access to the platform can use a QR scanner on their smartphone - to report any reports with photos to the person in charge.

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