Organise your office with IoT sensors

Check.connects, powered by All-Connects, was selected to participate in the NEW WORK project of THE BEACON SMART HUB in Antwerp. The building on the isle will be opened up as an experimental living lab to test new technologies, which contribute positively to health, well-being and productivity on the work floor.

Working more efficiently

The technology is tested for user acceptance, and answers the following questions:

1|how will employees deal with this technology?
2|how can efficiency be increased by using this technology?
3|how do we ensure that the applied technology has a lasting impact?

IoT technology with QR codes

The Check.connects technology is used to locate company assets, monitor their use and optimise reservation planning. For the Beacon, we were asked to deploy the system to monitor facility tasks in the various office spaces. Because the building is constantly being used by different people, it was not easy to provide a good service and to ensure that everything was always in perfect order at the workplace, in the coffee corner and in the washrooms. That's why they wanted an easy way to report when something needed to be refilled - such as toilet soap, cleaning product, coffee beans, etc.

Ideal for the requested functionality was our QR code application: Anyone can scan a QR code, linked to a device or room, with their own smartphone and open a 'guest page' on the CHECK app (without login details or compulsory registration). Via a handy form with targeted, relevant questions, the user can quickly pass on a report, and even add a photo to illustrate a defect, damage or unhygienic situation, for example. THE BEACON's office manager receives an instant notification and can immediately launch a follow-up task.

Want to know how it works in practice? Then be sure to check out the video below in which our Account & Project Manager David De Wilde explains how it works.

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Curious about the CHECK.connects
asset tracking software?

Would you like to discover together with our experts how you can locate your company equipment at any time? Request a demo now to discover all the features...

Curious about the CHECK.connects
asset tracking software?

Would you like to discover together with our experts how you can monitor and manage your company's equipment at any time? Request a demo now to discover all the features.

Wondering how much it will cost you each month to manage your company assets via our online platform?
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