SMART QR for planning & notifications

The challenge.

At the start of each working day, the entire maintenance team was called together to go over what was planned for the day. Since tasks were only communicated on the day itself, structured task lists were not available. In addition, maintenance team members could not immediately report a problem during work to the appropriate contact person. There was also no efficient way to communicate urgent tasks or schedule changes to the team.

Our solution.

In this situation, the team is responsible for maintaining a spread out geographical area, so we used a TAG.QR-NFC. We placed the tags in accessible places throughout the various workplaces - in this case a warehouse. Each employee received a unique login for the mobile application. If he wants to consult the assigned tasks for that day or pass on a message, he scans the TAG.QR-NFC with a smartphone to open the platform. The planning manager immediately receives a message when new reports are made and can continue to monitor everything.

In practice.

The person in charge remotely compiles a set of tasks for each employee and forwards any urgent messages. The employee in turn can consult tasks and reports. In case of dangerous situations or other matters that definitely need to be reported, the employee scans the TAG.QR-NFC with his smartphone and makes a report. Colleagues who do not have access to the application can also scan the TAG.QR-NFC using a QR reader on their smartphone to forward a report or report a risk situation/defect.


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