Secure your expensive office equipment

The customer.

Amcor has its origins some 160 years ago and, with 250 sites in more than 40 countries, is a global market leader in the development and production of responsible packaging. This packaging is used for food, drinks, pharmaceutical, medical, household and personal care products, among other things. With their goal to make all packaging produced recyclable or reusable by 2025, sustainability is high on their list of priorities.

Their challenge.

Television screens are used throughout Amcor's premises. The screens in the meeting rooms are used to show presentations. Information is also shown on a screen in the lobby and at the reception desk. Despite the security system in the building, these screens regularly disappeared.

Our solution.

We attached a TAG.WIFI to each individual screen throughout the building. A geofence - which forms a virtual fence around the company premises using GPS coordinates - was set up as an additional security measure. If the asset with the attached tag crosses this boundary line, an automatic notification is sent to the platform, which immediately notifies the appropriate persons.

In practice.

We attached the tags to all the televisions throughout the building and linked them to the platform. This gave an overview of the number of televisions present throughout the building. A geofence zone was set up around the premises. If an asset to which a TAG.WIFI is attached crosses this virtual boundary, a message is immediately sent to the platform. The person responsible receives a message immediately.

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asset tracking software?

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Curious about the CHECK.connects
asset tracking software?

Would you like to discover together with our experts how you can monitor and manage your company's equipment at any time? Request a demo now to discover all the features.

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