App provides perfect overview of stocks and locations

Thanks to Check.Connects, Blue Corner knows the location of every charging station in stock

For Blue Corner, a provider of EV charging solutions, the stock of finished charging stations represents an important asset. However, no one had a clear overview of the stock. Now, the products are given a QR code, which is scanned at every step of the way and then centrally managed on an online platform.

The Belgian company Blue Corner is a pioneer in electric mobility. The company offers individuals, companies and public authorities smart charging solutions for their electric vehicles. Besides installing, configuring and operating charging stations, the company also offers a wide range of services and technical support.

No real-time stock overview

A sister company of Blue Corner is responsible for the production and assembly of the charging stations. For installation, the company relies on a network of installers.

Lennert Vandeputte (Supply Chain Manager):
"The finished charging stations leave the central warehouse at the production site for the warehouses of the various installer partners. From head office, it was very difficult for us to know exactly how many charging stations were in stock at any given time and where they were located. If you're flying blind like that, it makes it difficult to make informed decisions."

In search of traceability

Stock breaches sometimes occurred, but at the same time, there was a risk of overstocking. Drawing up the annual inventory was also very labour intensive, with numerous manual entries. For Blue Corner, the solution was obvious: there had to be a simple solution for tracing the charging stations from the factory to the installation partner.

The CEO of Blue Corner was already well acquainted with the activities of All-Connects. That company was also the first potential partner to be invited for an interview. As expected, the product portfolio included the perfect management application: Check.connects.  

Genius in its simplicity

Lennert Vandeputte: "Check.connects is actually remarkably simple, but that is precisely why it is so efficient. Each assembled charge point is given a QR code. This is scanned with the smartphone by different people at different stages of the process: once by the own warehouse staff when the charge point arrives in the central warehouse, a second time when it leaves the warehouse. The installation partner performs the final scan."

Central stock management

The app required a tailor-made interpretation of Blue Corner, and that was not without its challenges. The company's own processes had to be translated into custom made functionalities. Through regular consultation, both parties were able to adjust until the tool was completely up to scratch.

The partners were trained on how to use the application. Since the implementation, Blue Corner has really gotten a grip on inventory management. Stock breaches and overstocks no longer occur.

"We know at any time exactly which product is at which place in the supply chain. The app brings all our charging stations together in one central online application," concludes Lennert Vandeputte.

Check.connects management platform with convenient dashboard that gives you a complete overview of all connected assets.

Location management with overview of task status and easy navigation to details of connected assets.

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