Manage your warehouse maintenance with IoT

The challenge.

Maintenance teams that are on the job somewhere in one of the many warehouses scattered around the port are often difficult to manage and monitor. For the shift manager, it is therefore important to be able to support the team and to communicate which tasks have priority. Therefore, they were looking for a handy tool where they could communicate with the team, but also where they could report dangerous situations directly to the right person.

Our solution.

Throughout each warehouse, a TAG.QR-NFC was placed at the desired spots. With an A4 size, these cannot be missed and the maintenance team and other colleagues can easily make reports. Management in turn can send notifications to the maintenance team to report any urgent tasks.

In practice.

The person in charge of the maintenance team draws up the planning via the platform. This is sent out and reaches the employees via their mobile app. In this way, everyone receives the work tasks for a particular day or period. In case of any reports of risky situations, the person in charge can also report this to the desired employee(s) in order to give this task priority. Employees who do not have the mobile application can also make reports using the TAG.QR-NFC located throughout the warehouse.

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