Manage & secure your premises

Create schedules and manage maintenance with TAG.QR-NFC. This tool automatically sends the created planning and notifies at the right time when maintenance has to take place.

The customer.

A business park typically includes the parking lot(s), the meeting rooms, the sanitary and technical areas, the warehouse, the stock area for office materials, ... in short, the entire surface area that belongs to a business. This solution is suitable for various purposes on a company site. Therefore, in this use case we will discuss a large company that has the above spaces/areas.

Their challenge.

There are many different types of spaces on a company site, both indoors and outdoors. Some assets in these areas require regular maintenance, such as lifts. Other assets need to be scheduled for use, such as a meeting room, or it is important to know the contents of a room, such as a stockroom. Checking everything physically and following it up manually takes up an enormous amount of time.

Our solution.

Because a wide range of assets are involved, the TAG.QR-NFC offered the most suitable solution. By scanning the TAG.QR-NFC, anyone can create notifications, reserve rooms and pass on empty dispensers.

In practice.

Each identified asset was equipped with a unique TAG.QR-NFC. The tags were linked on the online platform with a clear description. The person responsible within the company only receives the notifications that are addressed to him. The platform sends an automatic message with the desired planning for the execution of a certain task/maintenance. Thanks to a handy feature, limited access can be granted to other colleagues - for example, to plan/reserve the meeting room. The handy overview is also useful to monitor the stock of office materials and to order/resupply where necessary.  

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