Control your household with IoT

The customer.

The Beacon is an IoT community that connects startups, entrepreneurs, business leaders, researchers and visionary thinkers. The team is headquartered at The Beacon Innovation Hub in Antwerp, where they have large (office) spaces, with multiple meeting rooms and washrooms throughout the building.

Their challenge.

Sanitary facilities in large office buildings are used daily by the company's own employees and by many external visitors. Keeping the sanitary areas clean can therefore be a challenge. It also happens regularly that you find empty toilet paper dispensers and soap pumps. That is very annoying, but for the people responsible, it is a challenge to keep these areas clean and orderly at all times. Therefore, an efficient solution was sought with which everyone could be satisfied.

Our solution.

You only have one pair of eyes and can only be in one place at a time. That's why in this use case we opted for a solution in which everyone can do their bit for a clean and orderly washroom. With a TAG.QR-NFC, both people with and without access to the platform can make a notification.

In practice.

We installed several tags in all sanitary facilities. Whenever people visit the sanitary facilities and notice an empty toilet paper dispenser or no more paper to dry their hands, they can report this to the person in charge by scanning the TAG.QR-NFC and selecting the correct message. It is also possible to pass on other notifications, such as a blocked toilet, leaking tap, defective hand dryer, ... Besides the tags, we provided a clear, short explanation that also tells visitors how they can pass on a notification.

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