Keep an overview of your work tools

The customer.

Trapmann specialises in adapting vehicles for people with mobile disabilities. By constantly innovating and investing in new technologies, Trapmann offers solutions to ensure that everyone with a mobile disability, wheelchair users and senior citizens can regain their mobile freedom.

The challenge

A lot of material is moved from one workplace to another by an employee. As a result, one often does not know who exactly has taken which work material or where it is located.

A clear overview of the available materials was lacking because one did not know who was responsible or because of incorrect information about the location/user. Materials that were permanently lost were also a recurring problem for Trapmann.

Our Solution

On a drill there is little space to attach an extra item, so we chose a compact but effective tag. The TAG.QR-NFC offers the required functionality and can easily be stuck on the drill as a small sticker.

In practice

Each drill is equipped with a unique TAG.QR-NFC. When scanning the tag with a smartphone, you can quickly and efficiently assign the drill to a user or a specific site location. If the drill is moved to another location or used by another person during the day, this information can be updated in the same way.

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