IoT management of office equipment

Manage your electronic devices with the TAG.QR-NFC.

This solution is suitable for all companies that have multiple laptops and PCs and want a clearer overview of the performed update(s) or problems, who is managing a device, and where different devices are located.

Their challenge.

Due to the large number of PCs and laptops present, it is difficult to keep an overview of which system updates have or have not been carried out, and on which devices this took place. Reinstallations or problems cannot be reported in any way. Even with laptops used by several people, it is sometimes difficult to find out who is using the laptop at any given time or where exactly it is located.

Our solution.

Given the dimensions, the TAG.QR-NFC is the best solution in this use case. In combination with TAG.WIFI-GPS, laptops can be located both inside and outside the company building.

In practice.

Because we attached a TAG.QR-NFC to each device, the IT manager can link each PC or laptop to the platform. This way, he always has a clear overview of who is using which laptop. In addition, each report is automatically saved, so that the history of a single device is fully available. The user can easily make a notification if there are problems or if new accessories such as a mouse or keyboard are required.

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Curious about the CHECK.connects
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