Stay connected to work equipment

Locate both indoor and outdoor assets with the TAG.BLE.

This solution is suitable for all companies that use industrial ladders on a daily basis during their work. In this use case, we take an industrial window-cleaning company as an illustration.

Their challenge.

As with many other materials, there is a legal requirement for ladders to undergo an annual safety inspection. Keeping track of the annual inspection date for each individual industrial ladder proved to be quite a challenge. In addition, it was often impossible to keep track of which ladders were being used by which teams, or of their exact location. For example, a misplaced ladder could not be found when the team needed it.

Our solution.

By attaching a TAG.BLE with QR code to each ladder, they can be easily located in the building. Using gateways, the signal can be amplified inside the walls for even better location. Outside the walls it's best to use a smartphone to locate more accurately. The tags transmit the localisation data to the platform so that the current information per ladder can be consulted.

In practice.

All desired ladders were equipped with a TAG.BLE with QR code, which we then linked and identified on the CHECK platform. To optimise indoor localisation, we placed gateways at strategic places in the building. When people want to consult the location of ladders outside the building, the mobile application takes over from the gateways to locate the ladders. One can add the inspection date per ladder. Thanks to this handy feature, a new notification for the inspection is automatically placed on the platform exactly one year after the last inspection date. This ensures that each ladder undergoes an annual safety check.

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