Digital reservation of company equipment

Manage and locate your stock with IOT. The challenge.

Digital tracking of assets that leave the warehouse so that all employees have a clear overview. The employees now have no idea what is in stock or who has it.  

Our solution.

By linking the TAG.NFC/QR to all consumables and tagging the expensive stock items with BLE beacons, everyone has a clear overview of who has what and for how long. By hanging gateways at strategic places, the more expensive/stock assets with the TAG.BLE are immediately checked in again when they come back into the warehouse.  

In practice.

We have equipped the stock items with a TAG.BLE and the consumables with a TAG.NFC/QR code. This ensures that if an employee takes something from the warehouse and scans it with the mobile app, everyone immediately has a clear overview of where it has gone and what the remaining stock is. If the stock falls below a minimum quantity, an automatic e-mail is sent to the person responsible to re-order the item. By using the mobile app on location (yard, ...) the GPS location of this asset is sent to the CHECK platform.

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asset tracking software?

Would you like to discover together with our experts how you can locate your company equipment at any time? Request a demo now to discover all the features...

Curious about the CHECK.connects
asset tracking software?

Would you like to discover together with our experts how you can monitor and manage your company's equipment at any time? Request a demo now to discover all the features.

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