Construction company invoices efficiently thanks to registration in Check.Connects app

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the employees of the Vermandele construction company no longer come to the office every day to fill in the report on their activities. The lack of up-to-date information made invoicing difficult. The Check.connects app from All-Connects brought relief.

Marc Vermandele started in 1971 on his own account. Today his son Ruben is the head of a company with 15 employees. Vermandele bvba takes care of the construction and maintenance of private and company gardens and terrains, city parks, road planting, public greenery etc. all over Flanders. Professionalism, creativity, punctuality and flexibility are the key to the success of the company.

Incomplete daily reports

Before the advent of the coronavirus, the teams would visit the administration upon their return from a site to report. On the basis of these daily reports, the accounting department could draw up detailed invoices detailing the hours worked and the materials used.

Daisy Devriendt (Administrative Assistant):

"In order to respect the distance rules, we asked the employees to fill in a paper document with all the useful data. This solution soon proved to be inadequate. We regularly lacked the data necessary to draw up the invoices. For us, this was the signal to look for an automated solution."

All-Connects as a reliable partner

Vermandele has been using the track & trace solution of All-Connects for quite some time. It is therefore logical that the construction company was the first to approach this trusted partner. And with success. The Check.Connects app proved to meet the specific requirements to tackle the problem.

The specialists of All-Connects sat down with the administrative staff of Vermandele. Together they analysed the work processes, which were translated into a step-by-step plan. The employees received training to 'customise' the app and add the necessary functionalities.

Fast and complete registration

Daisy Devriendt: "In the app, the relevant details (site address, work and materials) are pre-programmed. The step-by-step plan is logical and the employee has to go through the entire process, so that we can include all the information in the invoice. People with different jobs are presented with different routes. A driver, for example, enters different data than someone who works in landscaping."

Three employees tested the system for a month. When problems arose, they were discussed and corrections were made where necessary. All-Connects also took suggestions into account, such as the request to add a navigation function.

Fast and complete registration

Today, all employees use the app on their smartphones. To the great satisfaction of the office staff: "Everything works as it should and we again have all the data for invoicing and post-calculation. The manual intermediate step (filling in the daily reports on paper) has been eliminated, which eliminates the risk of human errors and forgetfulness."

About used CHECK.connects solution:

The goal

Digitalisation of work orders

The hardware

None. The workmen can simply fill in their work orders via the mobile app on their smartphone.

The software

The CHECK.connects platform - powered by All-Connects - used by the internal manager on desktop, and by the mobile teams on the mobile app.

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