Digitise the planning of your machine fleet

The customer.

Boons bvba is a family business that has been specialising in earthworks, demolition and roadworks since 1983. With a large team of professionals and an extensive fleet of modern excavators and trucks, they bring every project to a successful conclusion. Besides the wide range of services that Boons offers, they also have their own demolition yard. There you can go for dumping stone rubble, sieve sand etc. Through years of experience Boons guarantees a quality result.

Their challenge.

Given the wide range of activities for which you can call on Boons, the company has a very extensive machine park at its disposal. The team is active on several construction sites simultaneously throughout the year. This often makes it difficult to maintain a clear overview of where the smaller rolling stock such as roller mops is located. As a result, the planning of the machine park does not always run smoothly.

Our solution.

We provided the smaller rolling stock with a weather and shock resistant TAG.WIFI-GPS. Due to the small dimensions, the tag can easily be concealed in a small place. The internal battery ensures that the unit can communicate. Using a geofence, an automatic notification is sent to the platform when the tagged asset leaves the yard.

In practice.

The desired assets were equipped with a TAG.WIFI-GPS. We linked these to the right machines on the platform. From now on you can always follow the asset and know the location of your equipment at any time. In order to prevent theft, a geofence zone was placed around each site. If the asset leaves the construction site, an alert is immediately sent to the platform and the person responsible receives a message.

With the help of a large antenna, the tag can be located in case of theft. This is linked to an app, where you can pinpoint the location to a very precise distance, ultimately allowing you to retrieve stolen goods.

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