Automate maintenance planning

Don't forget any more inspections thanks to the TAG.QR-NFC.

Trapmann specialises in adapting vehicles for people with mobile disabilities. By constantly innovating and investing in new technologies, Trapmann offers solutions to ensure that everyone with a mobile disability, wheelchair users and senior citizens can regain their mobile freedom.

Their challenge.

With certain modifications, the entire interior of the car is stripped and put back into the vehicle along with the modification. A mini crane is often used for dismantling. These cranes must be inspected annually to guarantee that they are still suitable and safe for moving heavy objects. Sometimes this inspection is forgotten or not carried out at all.

Our solution.

On each mini crane we attached a TAG.QR-NFC, which we linked to the platform. By scanning the QR code, you gain access to the full history and information of that specific asset. This ensures that inspection dates are correctly tracked and the periodic inspection can be scheduled in good time.

In practice.

The tags were linked to the platform. There, a new reminder is automatically set on the basis of the previous inspection date. This reminder depends on the selected repetition period, this can be monthly or for example exactly one year later. One only has to scan the QR/NFC on the crane with the application or a QR scanner on the smartphone. The inspection or visual check can be started with one simple click. If necessary, the inspection report or other images can be added to the asset on the platform. This way, all documents are always to hand.

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